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  • Tags: Three Sister's Bar Oral History/2016 Oral History/2016 Spring Oral Histories/Pheonix,Wren Davis/RenDavisPheonixpt1backup.MP3
Wren talks about her experiences with music, women's music, and the history of women loving women in Colorado. Oral Histories/2018 Oral Histories/Valnzuela,Marie/Marie Valenzuela.MP3
Marie talks about her life in Colorado, going into the military, and her avocational work. Oral History/2016 Oral History/2016 Spring Oral Histories/Theimer,Laurie/12473894_10207398845762261_8733602305779051894_o.jpg
In this interview Laurie talks about growing up in Denver and coming out at 21. She describes the world of women loving women in Colorado during the 1970s. She talks about caretaking for her friends during the HIV/AIDS crisis and moving to Arizona in…
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