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  • Tags: Military Oral Histories/2017 Oral Histories/2017 Oral History Spring/Reister,Robert/Robert Riester Part 1.wav
Robert Reister talks about his work with HIV/AIDS activism and growing up in Colorado. Oral Histories/Johnson,Rob/Rob Johnson Part 1.MP3
Rob talks about growing up in West Virginia, coming out as a gay man, moving to Florida, running a gay hotel, and buying a house in Colorado, and being a massage therapist. Files/Paula Walker/IMAG0140.jpg
Paula Walker talks about her work in the army as a nurse, being stationed in Afghanistan, and getting married. Oral Histories/2018 Oral Histories/Valnzuela,Marie/Marie Valenzuela.MP3
Marie talks about her life in Colorado, going into the military, and her avocational work. Oral Histories/2020 Oral Histories/Ken Felts Oral History/Ken Felts Part 1.MP3
Ken Felts talks about growing up during WWII, seeing the Dust Bowl, serving during Korea, repressing and accepting his sexuality, coming out at 90, finding love, and helping many people in their coming out journies. Oral History/2016 Oral History/2016 Summer Oral Histories/Lewallen,Janet/Janet Lewallen.MP3
Janet Lewallen talks about the work and founding of PFLAG, her life growing up in Park Hill, and her life and family in Colorado. Oral Histories Spring/2015 Oral Histories Spring/Kelly,John/John Kelly Backup Part 1.MP3
John Kelly talks about being gay in the military during the 1950s, growing up in upstate New York, nearly being discharged for being gay, and his work with American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) and work in the hospitality industry. History Files Fall 2015/Oral History Files Fall 2015/Looker,Gregg/Gregg Looker.MP3
Gregg Looker talks about his work in the International Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire, being in the military, and working in the city of Denver. Oral Histories/2018 Oral Histories/Dearmin,Daniel/Daniel Dearmin Part 1.MP3
Daniel Dearmin talks about being gay, Catholic, and being gay in the military, as well as healthcare and his life outside the miltiary.
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