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  • Tags: Addiction Oral History/2016 Oral History/2016 Spring Oral Histories/Pheonix,Wren Davis/RenDavisPheonixpt1backup.MP3
Wren talks about her experiences with music, women's music, and the history of women loving women in Colorado. Oral History/2016 Oral History/2016 Summer Oral Histories/Smith,Kenny/Kenny Smith.MP3
Kenny talks about growing up in Denver, being adopted, coming out and struggling with his sexuality, struggles with substances and drinking, and living with an HIV diagnosis and living throught he HIV epidemic. Oral Histories Spring/2015 Oral Histories Spring/Kelly,John/John Kelly Backup Part 1.MP3
John Kelly talks about being gay in the military during the 1950s, growing up in upstate New York, nearly being discharged for being gay, and his work with American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) and work in the hospitality industry. Oral Histories Spring/2015 Oral Histories Spring/Brenman-West,Annie/Annie Brenman-West Part 1.MP3
Annie Brenman-West talks about her life in Denver, as well as her work with the Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire.
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